Volleyball-Turnier in Tschechien: Jugendmannschaft tritt als „Zyklon B“ an

In Tschechien ist die Volleyball-Mannschaft eines Kinderheims unter dem Namen „Zyklon B“ aufgelaufen – so hieß das Giftgas, das in Auschwitz zum Einsatz kam. Bei dem Turnier traten auch Roma-Kinder an.

Bei einem Volleyballturnier für Kinder in Tschechien ist eine Mannschaft mit Namen „Zyklon B“ angetreten. Über den Vorfall berichteten mehrere tschechische Zeitungen, darunter die Jüdische Zeitung „Zidovske listy“ und das Blatt „Pravo“. Jüdische Organisationen zeigten sich demnach entsetzt über den Vorfall. „Mich überrascht, dass die Veranstalter dies nicht gestoppt haben“, zitierte „Pravo“ Tomas Jelinek, den früheren Vorsitzenden der jüdischen Gemeinde in Prag. Seine Tochter hatte für ein anderes Team an dem Wohltätigkeitsturnier teilgenommen und davon berichtet. Fans hätten im Stadion „Lauf, Zyklon B!“ gerufen. Es sei erschütternd, dass das Team „Zyklon B“ unter anderem gegen eine Gruppe von Roma-Kindern gespielt habe, sagte Jelinek demnach weiter. Mit dem Giftgas Zyklon B hatten die Nationalsozialisten im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz mehr als eine Million Juden sowie Tausende Sinti und Roma ermordet. Der Leiter des Kinderheims bei Prag, dessen Team als „Zyklon B“ angetreten war, und die veranstaltende Stiftung entschuldigten sich dafür, den Vorfall nicht rechtzeitig unterbunden zu haben. Wer für die Namensgebung verantwortlich war, ist bislang nicht bekannt. Die in der Kritik stehende Mannschaft gewann bei dem Turnier in der Kategorie „älter als 13 Jahre“ den zweiten Platz.

Quelle: Spiegel Online
Stand: 06.10.2016

In Ukraine, Jews witness historic echoes in pogroms against the Roma

Over 80 residents of Loshchynivka, Ukraine, fled their homes last month as villagers took the law into their own hands after the murder of a local child

Pogroms have returned to Ukraine, but this time the violence is not directed at the Jews. At the end of August, about 10 Roma families numbering approximately 80 people were forced to flee from the village of Loshchynivka, about 250 kilometers from Odessa, in an incident which was described in the Ukrainian media as a “Gypsy pogrom.” An amateur video captured the August 27 incident in which a crowd of men threw rocks at windows and broke doors, as police watched but did nothing. The next day, about eight homes were destroyed — the walls knocked down with tractors, one home burned, another was left without a roof. Inside, television screens were smashed, mattresses ripped, a kitchen stove was thrown on its side. “We got a phone call, they said, ‘Leave now or we will kill you.’ We didn’t have time to take our things or our documents. We just grabbed the children and ran,“ said Nikolay Churali, a Roma man who fled from his home with his wife, two children, his elderly mother and 10 relatives. “We were outside. We cried; the mosquitoes bit us. A half hour later, they started to break down the houses. I can’t describe it with words.” The family lost everything they had and is temporarily staying with “some people” in the nearby town. “We don’t know where we will go tomorrow,” Churali said. Continue reading In Ukraine, Jews witness historic echoes in pogroms against the Roma

Czech football club cancels screening of documentary about Romani footballers after fans threaten violence

Because of serious threats made by a group of their fans, the Bohemians Praha 1905 football club has decided to cancel tomorrow’s scheduled premiere of the film „FC Roma“. The documentary by Rozálie Kohoutová and Tomáš Bojar has been nominated for a Czech Lion award and has already won the Pavel Koutecký Prize.

„We understand the decision by the leadership of Bohemians – the safety of visitors comes first. However, it is not possible to back down when people use intimidation and threats to disagree with others or with projects that they define themselves as being against. Neither the producers of this film nor the organizations working with them will let themselves be intimidated. At this moment we are negotiating a new place and time for the premiere,“ the filmmakers posted to their Facebook page.

News server Aktuálně.cz reports that Bohemians and Sparta fans were planning to attend the film screening. „Some fans aren’t open to the artistry of the film, just the other aspect of it. Hatred against Romani people, which the film touches on, unfortunately exists among the fans,“ Darek Jakubowicz, director of the Bohemians Praha 1905 club, told the news server.

The film familiarizes viewers with the racial issue through the eyes of a football club predominantly comprised of Romani players competing in a district championship. It will be available on general release this autumn.

Bojar said the film was screened at the Karlovy Vary festival in July and will also be shown at other festivals. Viewers in the town of Děčín, the hometown of FC Roma, were allowed to see the film prior to its premiere.

In 2014 several football clubs in the Czech Republic refused to play with the FC Roma club, but today the team is competing normally, not just winning by forfeit. The club from Děčín has also played several matches with diplomats from various embassies to the Czech Republic and played against the Karlovy Vary Film Festival football team this week to promote the documentary.

Source: Romea.cz
Date: 12.09.2016