Analysis: Czech ultra-right hates immigrants – except when they can use them against Roma

There is no doubt that the Workers‘ Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS) and its related offshoot, the Workers‘ Youth (Dělnická mládež – DM), are a political force in the Czech Republic against immigrants, migrants and refugees. Even though the party has led a hate campaign against migrants for many years, it has now decided to make propaganda use of a Ukrainian family in Břeclav, exploiting their recent misfortune to foment hatred against Romani people as a whole. The DM is planning an anti-Romani demonstration in Břeclav tomorrow at which DSSS chair Tomáš Vandas will also appear.

In recent years, the DM and DSSS have made countless hateful statements about asylum seekers and immigrants. Let’s take a look at some of the more extreme examples.

„Our beautiful Czech land is being deluged by a destructive wave of immigration that is destroying everything beautiful here. We do not intend to tolerate this filth,“ Vandas said at one of his demonstrations. Footage of him making this statement was broadcast in a report by TV Nova on its news program on 18 April. Continue reading Analysis: Czech ultra-right hates immigrants – except when they can use them against Roma

Romani people are the Czech Republic’s least-liked minority group, relations toward them are deteriorating

Romani people comprise the national minority in the Czech Republic that is liked the least. Of Czech men and women over the age of 15, 78 % dislike Romani people, with only 7 % saying they like them. The relationship of Czech society toward Romani people deteriorated even further during the past year. Ethnic Slovaks, however, continue to be the most-liked minority. These are the results of a March survey of a total of 1 053 respondents on attitudes toward the country’s 16 national minorities, conducted by the Center for Public Opinion Research (Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění – CVVM) and provided to the Czech Press Agency.

One year ago, 12 % of Czechs surveyed said they liked Romani people and 74 % said they did not. This March, only 7 % of people over 15 said they like Romani people, while 78 % said they dislike them. A total of 41 % of respondents said they greatly dislike Romani people, who were the least-favored of any national minority, ranked at 5.69 on a scale of 1 to 7.

Albanians are the second least-liked minority in the Czech Republic. Only 15 % of Czechs like Albanians, with 48 % disliking them. They were ranked 4.75 on a scale of 1 to 7. The third least-liked minority, ranked at 4.64, are Ukrainians. Only 20 % of Czechs like them, while 51 % do not.

Czechs like themselves the most, followed by Slovaks; 88 % of people like ethnic Slovaks, with every 25th person expressing dislike for them. They were ranked at 2.16 on the 1 to 7 scale. Czechs evaluated themselves as the most likable, with 89 % saying they liked ethnic Czechs and every 50th person saying they dislike ethnic Czechs. The third most-liked minority are the Poles, with more than two-thirds of respondents liking them and every ninth respondent disliking them. Jewish people came in fourth place, with 13 % of respondents disliking them and 47 % liking them. One-third of Czechs feel antipathy toward Vietnamese people, while 35 % like them.

The authors of the research say Czechs aged between 30 and 44 most frequently like German people. Respondents who evaluated their own standard of living as poor harbor the greatest dislike of Albanians, Bulgarians, Chinese, Germans, Greeks, Hungarians, Jews, Poles, Romanians, Serbians, Ukrainians and Vietnamese. Respondents with a good standard of living expressed the most favor toward Chinese, Germans, Greeks, Jews Romanians and Vietnamese, according to CVVM.

Date: 14.04.2012

Das Leben des Jungen Mentor

Das Kind auf dem umstrittenen «Weltwoche»-Titelbild lebt im Westen des Kosovo. 
Die WOZ hat ihn dort gefunden. Wie lebt er? Was denken seine Eltern über das Foto? Eine Reportage 
über die Lebensumstände in einer Romasiedlung bei Gjakova.

Man erkennt sie an ihren Händen: schwarz wie die Krähen, die von den Abfallbergen in den Himmel steigen. Frühmorgens, wenn Sonne und Konkurrenz noch schlafen, brechen die MüllsammlerInnen von Gjakova auf in die umliegenden Städte und Dörfer auf der Suche nach verwertbarem Schrott. Ihre Schätze sind die Abfälle der anderen. Die Arbeit ist mühsam und hart, aber für die Roma im Westen des Kosovo ist sie eine der wenigen Möglichkeiten, sich ein Einkommen zu sichern.

Vor einer Woche ist er mir das erste Mal begegnet: ein kleiner Junge, dunkle Haut, dunkle Augen, dunkle Haare – in der Linken hielt er eine Spielzeugpistole und zielte auf mich, auf uns, auf jeden, der in der Schweiz an einem Kiosk vorbeiging. Sein Blick: War er ernst? Traurig? Bedrohlich? Der Junge zielte nicht auf uns. Die Zeitschrift, die das Foto veröffentlichte, zielte auf ihn – und auf seine Gemeinschaft. Unter dem Bild titelte sie: «Die Roma kommen: Raubzüge in die Schweiz». Continue reading Das Leben des Jungen Mentor

Neo-Nazis heading to Czech town for anti-Romani demonstration

The ultra-right extremist Workers‘ Youth (Dělnická mládež – DM) is convening a protest this Sunday in Břeclav to support a 15-year-old boy who was brutally beaten by three allegedly Romani men over the weekend there. The boy has been hospitalized and is in critical condition. Up to 1 000 people are expected to attend the event, which will culminate in a march through the center of town. Břeclav municipality spokesperson Eliška Windová informed the Czech Press Agency of the upcoming march today.

The march is announced as beginning at 9:00 AM CET and lasting until 20:00 on Sunday. It will start at the main train station in Břeclav. „The announcers met the legal requirements for the event to take place. For the time being there is no reason to ban it,“ the town spokesperson said.

The DM is an offshoot of the ultra-right radical Workers‘ Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS). Sunday’s march was originally planned under completely different circumstances – friends of the beaten boy wanted to hold a „March for Little Peter and Our Security“ and announced the event on Facebook. Almost 1 000 people promised to attend it. During the ensuing online discussion, the issue of who should take up organizing the demonstration was raised. The DM then officially announced to the town hall that it was convening the protest.

The DSSS has already condemned the attack on the boy. „Given the fact that a large number of citizens are turning to us with requests for help about this case, the Workers‘ Party is prepared to support all events held in support of the beaten boy,“ DSSS Vice-Chair Jiří Štěpánek told the Czech Press Agency today. Numerous Romani organizations have also condemned the incident.

Petra Vedrová, a spokesperson for the South Moravian Police, told the Czech Press Agency today that police are following the circumstances around the protest and will take appropriate security measures on Sunday. Yesterday Mayor of Břeclav Oldřich Ryšavý (Czech Social Democrats – ČSSD) warned against the event turning into an anti-Romani demonstration. He also called the assailants „human beasts“ who must be apprehended.

The boy was assaulted by three men on Sunday evening. He testified that they were dark-skinned. One reportedly asked him for a cigarette. When the boy said he didn’t have one, the men beat him brutally. The boy telephoned his mother, who took him to the hospital, where he was operated on immediately. Doctors removed one of his kidneys and said his liver is also damaged. His mother told the media that the assailants were not interested in money, because they did not rob her son. Allegedly they just wanted to take their aggression out on him. The perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Date: 18.04.2012

Antiziganismus, ein Problem der Mehrheitsgesellschaft!

Ein Interview mit Wolfgang Wippermann

ZAG: Herr Wippermann, Zigeuner einerseits, Roma und Sinti andererseits. Sind dies zwei Varianten mit gleichem Inhalt?

Wolfgang Wippermann: Mit der -negativ konnotieren- Fremdbezeichnung „Zigeuner“ und der -in Deutschland verwandten- Selbstbezeichnung „Sinti und Roma“ wird ein Volk bezeichnet, das ursprünglich aus Indien stammt und über Persien und die heutige Türkei im 13. Jahrhundert nach Europa eingewandert ist. Ähnlich wie das deutsche Volk zerfällt es in verschiedene Stämme. Angehörige des Stammes der „Sinti“ sind bereits zu Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts nach Deutschland (bzw. in das damalige „Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation“) gelangt. Seit dem 19. Jahrhundert kamen noch „Roma“ aus Südosteuropa hinzu. Dies erklärt den in Deutschland verwandten Doppelbegriff der „Sinti und Roma“. In anderen Ländern wird das gesamte Volks als „Roma“ bezeichnet. Zu Verdeutlichung kann man sagen, dass „Sinti und Roma“ so etwas ist wie `Bayern (oder: Hessen; Sachsen, Westphalen etc.) und Deutsche. Continue reading Antiziganismus, ein Problem der Mehrheitsgesellschaft!

Position of Roma minority in Serbia „improved“

The position of Roma in Serbia has improved thanks to the Decade of Roma Inclusion, it was said at the opening of a three-day congress in Belgrade.

„The position of the Roma people in Serbia has significantly improved during the Decade of Roma Inclusion, but I am confident that many members of the Roma population have reasons to be dissatisfied,“ said Slavica Denić, the state secretary in the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government.

The members of the Roma population can be dissatisfied bearing in mind that there are still unhygienic settlements in Serbia, that few children go to kindergartens and that quite few Roma people are employed, Denić stated.

However, Serbia can be proud of the improvement in the field of education. Since 2003 the country got more than 1,000 Roma graduates, she underlined.

Denić qualified the congress as important, since it brought together representatives of 25 countries with the aim to exchange experience and find solutions jointly.

President of the World Roma Organization Jovan Damjanović said that the Decade of Roma Inclusion „has yielded results“ in Serbia.
„We have to get to grips with problems and bring about an intellectual Roma revolution,“ Damjanović said.

He underlined that there are 12 to 15 million Roma people in Europe, but that they do not have any status.
Organizers announced that the congress will be dedicated to the legal status of the organization and the economic empowerment of the Roma people, and added that a declaration of the first congress of the World Roma Organization is expected to be adopted.

Source: B92
Date: 20.04.2012

Ermittlungspannen nach Polizistinnenmord: „Heiße Spur ins Zigeunermilieu“

Im Mordfall Michèle Kiesewetter hatte die Polizei Sinti und Roma unter Verdacht. Bei den Rechten wurde nicht ermittelt. Auf eine Entschuldigung warten Sinti und Roma bis heute.

Anfang des Jahres, beim Gipfel der Bundesregierung gegen Rechtsextremismus, hatte Romani Rose es noch einmal versucht. Er schilderte, wie Sinti und Roma nach dem Mord an der Polizistin Michèle Kiesewetter öffentlich gebrandmarkt worden seien. Zeitungen spekulierten damals über Verbindungen zu einem „Clan der Sinti“ oder einer „Roma-Sippe“.

Doch so recht interessiert hätten sich Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) und Familienministerin Kristina Schröder (CDU) nicht für Roses Anliegen, berichten Teilnehmer des Gipfels. „Es hat bis heute kein Wort der Entschuldigung oder Richtigstellung gegenüber unserer Minderheit gegeben“, sagt Romani Rose, der seit 30 Jahren Vorsitzender des Zentralrats Deutscher Sinti und Roma ist. Continue reading Ermittlungspannen nach Polizistinnenmord: „Heiße Spur ins Zigeunermilieu“

Delegation of Romani to visit Israel on Holocaust memorial day

Half of European ‘Gypsy’ population murdered by the Nazis during WWII

A delegation of Romani people will take part in annual Holocaust memorial day ceremonies for the first time, Israel Radio reported on Thursday.

At least half of the European Romani population — commonly known in the English-speaking world as Gypsies — was murdered by the Nazis during WWII. Leaders of the community say that they share a similar fate to Jews.

The delegation will be led by Roman Kwiatkowski, Chairman of the Association of the Roma in Poland. Representatives will travel to Israel from Holland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

Israel’s annual Holocaust memorial day will be marked next Thursday, on the anniversary of the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

Quelle: The Times of Israel
Stand: 12.04.2012

Czech Republic: Ultra-right party plans march on Romani residences this Saturday

The Worker’s Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS) has announced a „March on Chanov“ for Saturday, 7 April. That date is also the date this year of the Christian holiday of Holy Saturday and the Jewish holiday of Passover. During their provocation, the ultra-right extremists intend to march from the Most train station to the Chanov housing estate and to make speeches there on Zlatnická street.

The „Hate is No Solution“ (Nenávist není řešení) initiative has decided to take action against this provocation. News server publishes their press release below, translated in full.

Press Release of the Hate is No Solution initiative Continue reading Czech Republic: Ultra-right party plans march on Romani residences this Saturday

Ostermarsch gegen Roma

Tschechien (Most/Chanov) – Die tschechische Neonazi-Partei „Delickna strana socialni spravedlnosti“ (DSSS; Arbeiterpartei für soziale Gerechtigkeit“) will am kommenden Samstag im nordböhmischen Most und Chanov gegen Roma aufmarschieren.

Der Neonazi-Aufmarsch am Ostersamstag beginnt in der 70.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt Most und führt dann in die 1.500 Einwohner zählende Gemeinde Chanov. Weit über 90 Prozent der dort eingepfercht zwischen Autobahn, Eisenbahnschienen und Brachland wohnenden Menschen sind Roma.

Aufgerufen zu der Neonazi-Demonstration wird auch auf der Homepage des „Nationalen Widerstands“ Tschechiens, „Národní odpor“. Gegen die braune Provokation macht die zivilgesellschaftliche Organisation „The ‘Hate is No Solution’“ („Nenávist není řešení“) mobil.

Die DSSS, die enge Kontakte zur NPD pflegt, ist die Nachfolgepartei der im Februar 2010 vom Obersten tschechischen Verwaltungsgericht verbotenen militant Roma-feindlichen „Arbeiterpartei“ („Delickna strana“, DS). Das Gericht hatte das Verbot der DS unter anderem damit begründet, dass diese Kundgebungen organisiert hätte, die zu pogromähnlicher Randale gegen Roma führten.

Quelle: Blick nach Rechts
Stand: 03.04.2012