Category Archives: Großbritanien

Where Am I To Go? London Roma Evicted

In another dawn swoop, an encampment was destroyed at Hendon last month. Some families agreed to be flown back to Romania, while others were given 30 days to leave the country. The land on which they squatted is now under 24-hour security guard and is being sold to a major developer.

Britain has recently adopted the same cold-blooded tactics as France, Germany and Italy, breaking up camps, arresting, re-arresting, and carrying out so-called voluntary returns of EU citizens. Neither allowed to work nor to receive benefits, the legal excuse
for their forceful explusion is that they can’t support themselves.


6.30 pm on Friday, 2 August, outside the French Embassy,
58 Knightsbridge Road, SW1X 7JT (Knightsbridge Tube)

A samba band will lead a march to Marble Arch, scene
of the last ethnic-cleansing operation.

You are also welcome to participate in the Roma Genocide
Commemoration taking place at 5pm at the Hyde Park
Holocaust Memorial in memory of the 500,000 Roma
murdered by the Nazi.

At 3pm protests are being held outside the embassies
of the Czech Republic and Slovakia demanding an end
to neo-Nazi attacks and wide-spread apartheid in

For more information contact:

Toma Mladenov, chair Roma London BG

Ladislav Balaz, chair Europe-Roma

Grattan Puxon, 8 April Movement

Source: Indymedia
Date: 20.07.2013

Roma abuse: Calls for inquiry as Oxfam report uncovers discriminatory treatment

PUBLIC officials have been accused of “institutional racism” in a hard-hitting report into the treatment of immigrant workers seeking a new life in Scotland.

The report, commissioned by Oxfam, says members of the large Roma community in Glasgow have been systematically threatened and lied to by government employees while long delays in payments of legitimate benefits have led to high levels of child poverty.

Evidence of discrimination and prejudice against the most marginalised ethnic group in Europe is contained in the report written by the Govanhill Law Centre (GLC), which investigated how more than 60 Roma families living in the city were dealt with by the DWP and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

The lawyers who carried out the investigation said the way many Roma were treated was contrary to the UK government’s legal obligations and amounted to unlawful and unequal treatment. Continue reading Roma abuse: Calls for inquiry as Oxfam report uncovers discriminatory treatment

England erlaubt Räumung von Traveller-Hochburg

Erst wurden Roma in Frankreich vertrieben, nun greift auch England hart durch: Das Oberste Gericht hat die Räumung der landesweit größten illegalen Siedlung irischer Nomaden angeordnet. Rund 200 Irish Traveller sind betroffen.

London – Erst vor einem Monat hatten Aktivisten erfolgreich gegen die „ethnische Säuberung“ demonstriert – und die Räumung der größten illegalen Wohnwagensiedlung Großbritanniens per Gerichtsentscheid gestoppt. Vergebens, wie an diesem Mittwoch bekannt wurde. Das Oberste Gericht in Großbritannien hat entschieden, dass die Stadtverwaltung in Basildon östlich von London die Siedlung der so genannten Irish Travellers auflösen darf. Wann genau der Stadtrat mit der Räumung beginnen wird, war am Mittwoch noch nicht bekannt.

Mit der jüngsten Entscheidung endet ein zehn Jahre währender Rechtsstreit zwischen den Travellers und der Stadtverwaltung von Basildon. Zwar gehört den Siedlern das rund 2,4 Hektar große Gelände der Dale Farm in der englischen Grafschaft Essex – sie haben jedoch keine Baugenehmigung für das Grundstück. Ein Großteil der Bevölkerung hatte sich über die „Zigeuner“ beschwert sowie sinkende Immobilienpreise und eine verschandelte Landschaft kritisiert. Continue reading England erlaubt Räumung von Traveller-Hochburg

Gyspy scare stories given Jewish makeover

A group campaigning for the rights of Britain’s traveller communities has set up a website substituting the word gypsy in „blatantly racist“ headlines with the word Jew.
The Dale Farm Solidarity group built Jewify to raise awareness of the „official institutions, mainstream politicians, or newspapers openly espousing…racism against Gypsies“.
The site allows users to see what newspaper articles would look like if their subject was the Jewish people. A 2008 story in the Express about politician Tessa Jowell’s reaction to a gypsy camp near her house was altered to read: „Anger at Jewish invasion near Jowell’s retreat“.
A Mirror story from earlier this headlined was given the new headline: „Jews lose driving licences for allegedly paying people to pass tests for them“.
According to the creators, while „racism of many kinds, including antisemitism, is alive and well“ in the UK, it only remains socially acceptable when directed at Travellers and Roma people.
Referring to the Daily Mail’s coverage of Oswald Mosley and the fascist movement in the 1930s, the creators added: „Whipping up fear against Travellers and other racial minorities is nothing new for [them].
„But when the blackshirts tried to march through Jewish neighbourhoods in the East End of London, anti-fascists rallied in defence of their Jewish neighbors.

„We say again, No Pasaran! They shall not pass.“

Quelle: CFCA
Stand: 04.05.2011