68% of the Romanians consider that the gypsies do most crime, the main causes being considered lack of education and bad habits, a CCSB survey for the Association Pro Democratia showed. According to the study, 36% of the interviewees think that the gypsies will represent, in the future, a threat for the country, while 33% consider the gypsy communities a direct threat for the Romanians. At the same time, 26% of the interviewees consider that the majority of the gypsies are criminals and should be put to jail. Continue reading CCSB survey: 36% of the Romanians consider gypsies could become a threat for the country
Category Archives: Posts in English
Czech mayor fights crime by collectively blaming Roma
The town hall of Nový Bydžov, Czech Republic has announced a „war on Gypsies“ after several muggings and a rape were reported there. According to a statement on the town’s official website, a special security commission is in place and there are plans to strengthen the municipal police.
Continue reading Czech mayor fights crime by collectively blaming Roma
Former Czech prostitute, German neo-Nazi imprisoned for torturing Roma women
A court in the town of Hof, Germany has sentenced a Czech woman and a German neo-Nazi from the Bavarian town of Selb to seven and a half and six years in prison respectively for kidnapping, beating and humiliating Roma women from the Czech towns of Aš and Cheb who were working as prostitutes. DPA reported that the court reached its verdict today. Continue reading Former Czech prostitute, German neo-Nazi imprisoned for torturing Roma women