Antiziganism and neo-nazi activity

Novy Bydzov is a small town of around 7.000 people located on the east
from Prague, about one hour driving away. Recently it hit news because
of the so-called racial tension between Roma population and white
inhabitants, followed by the official statement of the Major of the town saying „Roma people rape, steal and loot in the middle of the day“.

Neo-nazis smelt their chance and call for a march through the town.
Their march is organized by the same people as the serious attempt to
mass attack on Roma population in Litvinov two years ago. Translated
call for action follows:

On Saturday March 12th neonazis are trying to march through the town of
Novy Bydzov. The aim of their march is not to propagate nazi ideology in
open or more hidden way nor it is to commemorate the death of one of the
nazi leaders. Their aim is to directly terrorize, chicane and to try to
attack the Roma population of the town.

History and current praxis of neonazi movement teach us that we have to
face it any time it tries to stand up. „Never send to know for whom the
bell tolls; it tolls for thee!“, Ernest Hemingway quoted English poet
John Donne and in this quote he precisely described the essence of the
coming neo-nazi attack on Roma population of Novy Bydzov. Because
tomorrow any of you could be the target of their perverse hate; spectrum
of their enemies is really wide in the end: Roma people, homeless
people, trade unionist, homosexuals, Jews, communists, social democrats
and other leftists, alternative youth, feminists, unemployed,
anarchists, immigrants…

We are not saying that there are no troubles in the town of Novy Bydzov.
But neonazis are coming with the final solution; perverse, inhuman idea
which manifested itself with gas chamber during the World War II. We saw
how their solution looks like in praxis two years ago, when the same
people marched in the town of Litvinov attacking with Molotovs, home
made grenades and bricks. Antifascist movement ignored the event which
we regard as our fault. Short time after that the group of people
attending this kind of events attacked Roma family in the town of
Vitkov, burning small Roma girl almost to death…

Every time nazis attacked some majority without any resistance, they are
stronger. Every time they marched without being faced by the much bigger
group of those who they want to eliminate, they are a step further. In
their heads the self-esteem for some similar attack is growing. So never
ask for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee!

We call all antifascists to come and block the place of gathering of the
nazi demo. The meeting point is Masarykovo namesti in the town of Novy
Bydzov at 11:00 (two hours before announced nazi assembly on the same

There would be no organizers on the place as this action could only be
describe as something like „civil disobedience“. So have a talk with
your friends and come together in bigger or small groups. Have a talk
about to what extend do you want to resist the neo-nazi demo and to what
extend are you ready to resist police. The diversity of tactic doesn’t
prevent the unity in our aim to block the nazi march. Sit-in blockade,
human chain or street barricade do not eliminate each other, but support
each other. Just stick to one simple rule: do not criticize actions of
other antifascists whatever their tactic is. Stay united.

Antifascist solidarity group

Qulle: Indymedia
Stand: 01.02.2011