68% of the Romanians consider that the gypsies do most crime, the main causes being considered lack of education and bad habits, a CCSB survey for the Association Pro Democratia showed. According to the study, 36% of the interviewees think that the gypsies will represent, in the future, a threat for the country, while 33% consider the gypsy communities a direct threat for the Romanians. At the same time, 26% of the interviewees consider that the majority of the gypsies are criminals and should be put to jail.
The survey, entitled « Stereotypes at the address of the gypsies » shows that 44% of the interviewees consider that the gypsies are « thieves » ( dropping against 2002, when 46% considered that). At the same time, 43% consider them “ lazy”, “ dirty” – 41% unorganised – 14% and retarded – 13%.
87% of the interviewees agree that the people of Roma origin should live in Romania but 77% consider that they should live in the same locality with them. 59% accept them as neighbours, 57% as friends, but only 34% accept them as part of their family – percentages going up against 2002.
Moreover, 43% of the interviewees consider that they have or had as school colleagues gypsies, 38% had work colleagues, and 6% have relatives as gypsies.
Other aspects shown in the survey:
• Half of the interviewees think gypsies should benefit from reserved places in highschool and universities, up by 20% against 2002.
• 97% of the interviewees consider that all gypsy children should go to school, but more than 60% consider that gypsies should be « obliged » in this way
• 43% of the interviewees consider Roma people do not take their children to school as they don’t want to lose their traditions and they could be assimilated as Romanians
• 77% think that the state should support cultural organisations of the gypsies, while 74% think that the government should help the development of the Roma identity.
Collaboration relations between Romanians and gypsies increased by 12 percent over the last eight years, from 34% to 46%. Moreover, 24% say they ignore one another, while 11% consider they have conflicting relations ( dropping by 10% against 2002).
• 36% of the interviewees think the Roma will represent in the future a threat for the country, while 33% consider the gypsy communities a threat to the Romanians, their families respectively ( 18%).
• 68% say that the gypsies do more crime than the Romanians, and 52% consider that they do more crime because this is their way of being.
• 60% of the interviewees do not agree with « Gypsies are poorer than the Romanians ».
• 23% think the gypsies are poor because they don’t want to work.
• 26% think the majority of the gypsies are criminals and should be put to jail
• 3% of the interviewees agree that the state should spend almost half of the state budget for jail construction for gypsy criminals, while 22% say the money should be spent to educate them. 69% did not want to comment.The survey made by CCSB at the commission of the Association Pro Democratia was made by phone, between 18-25November 2010, on a sample of 1,500 people with an error margin of +/- 3.1%.
Quelle: Act Media
Stand: Date: 29-11-2010